Monday, August 9, 2010

3 weeks to go!

Hard to believe but in 3 weeks I will be on the starting line of ironman, waiting for the canon to signal the start of the swim. I have to admit, just the thought of it stresses me a bit. I did my last big workout on the weaken, 4.5 hour ride in the sin followed by an hour run. I figure I have paid my dues to the rain gods, I was soaked when I got home. The next couple week will be tapering week with less volume. Hopefully my body will be ready for the race. The tri bike has been dropped at the shop and Chris and the gang will make it race ready. I already know I need new tires and found out I put so much mileage that I need a new chain and drive train. Such is life i suppose. Stay tune for gear 2.0, this week will be about the fourth discipline of triathlon, nutrition. Happy trail

Carpe Diem

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