Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy 2013, where will the road take you?

It's been a while since I posted on my blog, it's time to get back at it for the 2013 season! I hope you had all a great holiday and lots of new adventure and PB in 2013.  As for me, I'm slowly looking into what races and where I will be going.  I can tell you that I will be heading back to Saipan and Guam this year for  Xterra races.  It's hard not wanting to go to that part of the world when the promise of sunny weather, heat and beaches are but a certainty.  It's also a good way to jump start the season.  I have other race planned but I will talk about them when it get closer.  I'm slowly getting back into training mode and hope to be ready for March.  Remember that you are new at a sport or a season vet, it always take a bit of time to get back into shape, especially after the holidays.  So go out there, and start 2013 with a bang!  Happy Trail!

Carpe Diem