Monday, August 30, 2010

IMC post race

The canon went off on time, 2700 people in the water. I seeded my self in the middle, slightly off set to the left of the marking buoy. I wanted to make use of the draft from the pack and I figured I'd still be far enough not to get caught in the madness. After the second turn, people were still crazy, I was being cut off, punched a few time but I was pleasantly surprised with my swim time. 1:13, I was hoping 1:20 or less so I met my goal. I thought I had a fast transition to the bike but looking at the time now I could have been a bit faster. I was trying not to go out too fast on the bike and was monitoring my heart rate. I lost a full gel bottle on the way to ok falls. In addition I also lost my two spare tubes going down a steep hill, I couldn't stop and I was now praying not to have a a flat as I didn't have anyway to fix it. I got to rector's pass where my good friend Joe and his wife Diana and their little girl were there to cheer on. It was nice to see them and I kept forging on. A quick stop at the 120 km mark to pick up my special need bag with my nutrition and a spare tube. Little did I know that hell was around the corner. On the way to yellow lake the weather turned nasty, I would guess easily 20km head wind and rain. I was freezing, I could barely stay warm, it wad 40 degrees last time I did the course! I arrived in transition cold but I didn't have time to dwell on it. I did a 5:44 bike. I was hoping to be between 5:30 to 5:40 but considering the conditions I was happy with my time. I was off to the run and a little warmer. I had never ran a full marathon on the road, my legs usually don't like the pavement that much. I could feel it in my quads and my lower back, which has been bothering me for the last couple of weeks. I picked up my specials need bag at the half way point in the run, some gels and a few other things. As I approached the finish line, I wad looking at the time and was wondering if I could pull a sub 11 hour time. I tried but in the end I ended up with 11:02, which I wad very happy with. I wanted to be under 12 hours for my first one. As for my dream goal, I didn't accomplish it so, it's for me to know and you all to find out. I have to admit, this race was great, the volunteers were awesome, and the spectator were great. If you wonder how many calories I burned during the race, 9100! I'm lucky if I replace 1/3 of that during the race. I would have not been able to do this race without the help of a few people. First and foremost Chris from Experience Cycling to look after my bike needs day in and day out. To my physio Christina and Chiro Kevin from trail side physio for looking after my body, god knows it needed it. My massage therapist Dana, who torture me every time I go see her. Finally SUGOI brand Champion, that outfit rocks so as the SUGOI products.  As for Rebecca, she did awesome with a 12:19. If you need a source of inspiration, look no further than Rebecca, this was her second triathlon in her life, she could barely swim back in October. The entire Ironcops crew finished and they raised about 67,000 dollars for the Vancouver crew. I hope you enjoyed my journey and you probably wondering, what's next? Surely the season must be over. Well it's not, I have a mountain bike race in 3 weeks and I will be
competing in cycle cross this fall so stay tuned, I'll keep blogging about it. I'm going to rest now, 6 days without training, I probably won't know what to do with my self. Happy trails

Carpe Diem

Saturday, August 28, 2010

12 hours before lift off, all system clear I need a go/no go for launch!

Well in 12 hours or so I'll be in the transition area, doing last minute things and getting ready to get in my wetsuit. 2700 other competitors will do the same. At 7 am, the canon will go off and 6 months of hard training will be on the line. I have my goals and also have the dream goal, none of which I'll be sharing with you tonight. (I'll talk about them tomorrow) There are plenty of inspirational stories at IMC this year which is always nice to hear. It will be an early bed time for me tonight and an early rise. For those of you that would like to follow the race but can't make it to Penticton, you can live track me at my race number is 680. All system are a go, now we shall see if I deserve the title of Ironman at the end of it. Happy trails!

Carpe Diem, I know I will!

Friday, August 27, 2010

T-2 days and counting

I woke up this morning and headed to the lake for a 30 min swim with pacific rim and iron cops crew. After my swim it was a quick stop to starbucks and then off to watch the entire national iron cops team taking their photo. I then proceeded to go to the race village where I signed up for ART(Active Release Therapy)which did wonders for my lower back and hips. Lunch followed with a great sandwich from this amazing deli across from the greyhound bus depot.(can't remember the name) After relaxing for a bit it was time for a light 30 min run. Tonight is the pre-race dinner and race briefing. I also started getting my transition bags ready and afffix the mandatory stickers on my bike. What's in store for me tomorrow? 30 min bike ride and the will rack my bike in transition. A 15 min swim and hopefully a bit more ART. Happy trails!

Carpe Diem

Thursday, August 26, 2010

On the road to ironman, literally!

I left for penticton today and arrived early afternoon to pick up my race packet. Greeted by an army of volunteer, the process was quite fast, from signing waivers to getting my timing chip and numbers. I then went over to the gear tent where I bought a ironman visor, got to have something that reminds me of my madness! Wow, hard to believe that there is less than 3 days left before the start. I have a 30 min swim planned in the morning and a 30 min run in the afternoon and then more rest. We also have the pre race dinner tomorrow night and race briefing. I have to admit that I'm a bit nervous. Well Im off to bed, trying to get some good nights of sleep tonight and tomorrow as I don't know how well I will sleep the night before. Happy trails!

Carpe Diem

Sunday, August 22, 2010

IMC T-7 days to go

One week to go before standing on the starting line. Hard to believe that there are only 7 days left. I found out my race number is #680. I went for a ride on Saturday and a light run today. A lot of people wonder if I completely stop training a week before. The answer is no, I just do less volume. As for my trustee steed, I have been trying to tweak it with a new seat post. In addition, new tires and drive train was required and as usual, Chris and the gang at Experience has been looking after me. I will be heading up to Penticton on Thursday and will be updating the blog to convey the atmosphere from the Ironman village. I will post the link for all of you that won't be up there to watch the race to track me live on the net. As I chip through certain points in the race, it will be updated live. As for me, visits to physio, chiro and massage have been In order. I just hope to feel good on race day and that the weather will be nice. I feel the usual pre race jitters, wondering if I have put enough time training. Well I shall find out soon enough as the dye is cast and I will soon be on the beach with about 2600 racers waiting for the canon to roar, signaling the start of the race. Happy trails!

Carpe Diem

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Gear 2.0: NUtrition

A lot of people always ask me what I use to feed myself. The photo above is but a small samples of all the products I use for racing. First and foremost one has to stay hydrated and have electrolytes in order be able to keep going forward. I use 3 types of electrolyte drinks. THE first one is called HEED and is made by Hammer Nutrition. I am a big fan of their products as they use natural sugar and clean ingredients. In addition I use NUUN tablets. These little tablet make your water fizzy and come in a variety of of flavour, they don't have any calories attached to them. My favourite flavour is orange ginger as well as Kona Cola, which has caffeine in it. Lastly GU Brew in blueberry/pomegranate flavour is quite tasty and another great electrolyte drink. When it comes down to calorie intake, I like the liquid stuff. Easy to digest and easy to process especially on the bike. Again I use Hammer products for my needs. PERTEUM has protein and carbs, I also use Sustained Energy. I usually mixed them and will plan to have around 350 calories an hour when racing. I will complement with Hammer Gels. My favourite flavour is Raspberry but I also make a raspberry/chocolate mix. Finally when on the run I like Power bar blast, they are almost like soft gummy bear with calories and caffeine in them. When the weather is really hot I will also take salt tablets to help my body keep its electrolytes level. Nutrition is often overlook in many discipline but really it is probably the most important one. You can be in the best shape of your life but if there is nothing feeding the machine, you'll be in trouble. 2 weeks till Ironman, taper in full swing and slowly getting anxious and nervous. Happy Trails

Carpe Diem

Monday, August 9, 2010

3 weeks to go!

Hard to believe but in 3 weeks I will be on the starting line of ironman, waiting for the canon to signal the start of the swim. I have to admit, just the thought of it stresses me a bit. I did my last big workout on the weaken, 4.5 hour ride in the sin followed by an hour run. I figure I have paid my dues to the rain gods, I was soaked when I got home. The next couple week will be tapering week with less volume. Hopefully my body will be ready for the race. The tri bike has been dropped at the shop and Chris and the gang will make it race ready. I already know I need new tires and found out I put so much mileage that I need a new chain and drive train. Such is life i suppose. Stay tune for gear 2.0, this week will be about the fourth discipline of triathlon, nutrition. Happy trail

Carpe Diem

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Gear 2.0. Running

This week we are looking at the running gear. First and for most , running shoes. Everyone has their preferences, as for me I have to look at shoes for pronetors. My choice Asics Kayanno, great support and very comfy for road running. Although Ironman is a road race, I'm also an avid trail runner, for that type of running, I use salomon runners. I simply love their trail runners and have been running and adventure racing with them for the last 10 years, but I digress. For Ironman I have a very nice Sugoi brand champion tri suit. When I don't race I use sugoi running tights with shorts and a dry fit shirt. I also use a wicked light running jacket, made by sugoi called the helium jacket when it rains. I also have a footpad on my running shoes which is calibrated to my gait and relay the information to my watch. I plan on running with a hand held bottle at Ironman, even though there are water station at every miles, I like the feeling that I can drink if I need be. 3 weeks and counting, it's hard to believe. Happy trails

Carpe Diem