Sunday, October 26, 2014

Maui, the aftermath

I heard the wave crashing all night long, I should have known it was a sign......

Woke up today to a nice and bright day, no rain in the forecast, which meant that the bike course would be perfect. Like most I never sleep great the night before, waking up every hour and looking at the clock, making sure I'm not sleeping in.  After a seamless transition set up, including a generous application of sun screen from Planet Sun, I decided to go for a light jog.  I needed to get my legs moving and get rid of the jitter.  I knew Steph and her parents would meet me by the beach.  As transition closed up by 830, it was time for me to head down to DT Fleming Beach for the start of the race.  I'd seen my tribe, Al, Allison , Pat and GL in transition so at least if I didn't see them there,mid had a chance to wish them luck.

Swim report brought to you by KTape and Restore Physio Therapy: Let me preface this, as of two weeks ago it had been 4 months since I had been able to swim free style, without Nadine and Steph from Restore and the K Tape job, in pink I might add, for breast cancer month, it could have been worst.   The shore break weren't the biggest I had seen, but the sequencing seemed hard to judge and the waves didn't go away as you leave the shore break.  This was the roughest swimming conditions I have seen the past four years here.  I would come out in 36 min, and although I haven't been able to swim much, I was disappointed.  I would have my work cut out on the bike.

Bike report brought to you by Gray: as I stated earlier, I knew the course would be perfect today. It had time to dry but would be dusty and loose like previous years.  The problem by exiting the water late is that you have to fight the good swimmers that are not so good riders.  So it was a game of " on your left " and " thank you" trying to pass people.  I have to admit that most people were good about it.   The bike felt good and I was progressing well.  I passed  a lot of rider, I even caught myself smiling in the last couple of miles in the single track.  I'd come in just at the 2 hour mark which was an improvement from last year.  After a quick transition from the bike it was time to start running.

Run report brought to you by SUGOI: After some encouragement from Steph, the grueling run would start.  It was hot, and after riding hard, running up hill is not easy.  I forced myself to run although I pass plenty of people walking.  The saving grace was the aid station, with great volunteer and cold water and Gatorade.  After all the climbing came the down, which is not always so easy on tired legs. It always a delicate balance in order to avoid cramps.  The last part is the beech run, on one side of the coin, it's a welcome site, on the other hand, if you have had experience running on sand, it's not fun.  Steph and my inlaws were there to greet me as I was approaching the finish line.  It was a nice feeling to finish and to have Steph and her parents there.  I finished 34th in my age group which was the biggest one.  As for the rest of the tribe, Al and GL both podium in there respective age group, Pat had a great race missing the podium by one.  Allison had a fantastic race improving substantially from her time last year.  I have many people to thank but I will do this tomorrow, for now it's time for a beer and the post race dinner.  Happy trail!

Carpe Diem

Saturday, October 25, 2014

T-1 XTERRA world is about to take off

As I woke to a beautiful morning, today was the day to go cheer Steph on as she'd decided to enter the 5  km run despite having some knee issues of late.  As the gun went off I headed down the beech to wait for her and see how she would fair.  I wasn't suprised when I saw her sprinting to the finish good for a third place. Maher card showed second but computer glitch and all she was still on the podium which was awesome.  As for me, my pre race day workout involved a light run, swim and bike.  As the tribe was in the water for our light swim, we were greeted by Dolphins, a first for me of all my years in Maui.  That kind of experience always reminds me why I do these races.  The course appear to be drying but there is also rain in the forecast so there might be course modification in the works so we shall see.

Now there always a few reasons and dedication for races, this being the world championships, I have a few. First I'd like to dedicate this race to our military and emergency personnel, in the light of what happened in Ottawa this week, that's the least I can do.  Secondly I will be taped in pink, to honor all the cancer survivor and particularly my mother, who ultimately lost her fight.  Lastly, I want to dedicate this race to a good friend of mine, I shall call him RM as I know he'd probably wouldn't want me to do that.  You see RM is awaiting a kidney transplant due to a genetic desease which is causing his kidneys to fail.  RM is an XTERRA racer and if it wasn't for his condition, he would be here in Maui, as he qualified despite his kidney problem.  He's all set for a transplant early January as he got a live donor to donate one of his kidneys.  So buddy this one for you.  So there we are, the dye is cast, the chips will fall where they are supposed to be, after all this is Xterra.  Happy trails!

Carpe Diem

Friday, October 24, 2014

Rain report...I mean mud report ... I mean course update

Well the XTERRA gods sure like to play cruel jokes.  I went overboard with my sacrifices this week. Needing an entire new drive train, rear rotor.  Now one would that that would be sufficient to keep the gods happy but alas to no avail.  We were greated with more rain last night. as I set off to ride some of the course with Pat this morning, we changed our mind very quickly as we saw some of the earlier riders covered in mud.  We opted out for a spin on the road, saving our steed the trauma of the mud and clay.  Still two days for the course to dry off, it should be interesting on race day to say the least.  My opinion is that if the conditions stays the same, it will make it harder on the racers who don't have as much of a mountain biking background.   Now don't get me wrong, this still Maui so the weather is still better than home!  Happy trail!

Carpe Diem

Thursday, October 23, 2014

A sunny day in paradise

woke up this morning to a beautiful sunrise over the pacific ocean.  I had issues with my bike so I dropped it to the mechanics and headed over to the beach for an open water swim.  Luckily for me I had Steph taping my shoulder with K tape.  I finally been able to swim free style since last week.  We sawm with some of the usual suspects, Al, Allison C2 and a couple other friends.  It was nice to be able to swim, some what normal.  The waves were unusually small for DT Fleming but it was still choppy to swim.  The bike course was closed in the morning, smart move by the race directors to let  it try to dry off.  As for my bike, well it's a new drive train and a rotor, such is life I supposed better be now than during the race.  I plan to head and ride to front 5 and back 8 tomorrow to spin my legs, make sure that the bike is working nicely.  Stay tuned for more, happy trails!

Carpe Diem

P.S feel free to follow me on tweeter @chuck98

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

When it rain mud? Scouting report

The day started with registrations, yours truly will be sporting #585 for the race.  The full course was opening this morning and I was lucky to head out with good friend and former pro Patrick Brown, who happen to be my good friend GL Brown son, but I digress.  The course started with just enough traction but as we progressed, the rain slowly but surely started looming over us.  It was muddy but still manageable until mile 11, that's where everything fell off the wheels, literally.  The red clay was so sticky that my bike couldn't even go forward on his own. Mat one point I had to remove my rear wheel in order to clear the mud so I could ride for 100 m so I could do it all over again.. This is not supposed to be! Never seen conditions like theses in 4 years being here.  The rain was falling sideways and I was even starting to get cold, in Maui of all places!  Apparently they even closed the course but I must have been far enough not to get the memo as I ended up riding the whole course.  The weather is supposed to straighten itself out over the next few days.  I hope so, is not, it will be a long day on Sunday.  Stay tuned for more updates, happy trail!

Carpe Diem

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Back on familiar grounds, Aloha

The week of the XTERRA world Championship at Kapalua is in full swing, Off road triathletes from all corners of the world are slowly making there way.  As for me, it's the last race of a season that was plague with early success and later injuries.  Ultimately though, it's also about spending time with family, friends and the tribe.  After a light run with Al and Steph last night to get the jet lag out of my legs it was time to build the bike for a ride this morning.   The weather was nice this morning and so I went riding the part of the course that's open.  Front 5 km and back 8 .  I did this with by friend Pierre from Hong Kong. You never forget the climbs and this was no different.  The course has also dried up to the point that it's almost perfect for traction.  It's good to be back.  Tomorrow is registration and off to scout the full course so stay tuned for more update.  As a side note Steph is offering taping services brought to you by K Tape for anyone at the world championship so if you know anyone it's all posted on Facebook. Happy trails!

Carpe Diem