Friday, August 31, 2012

Xterra Canada Bike course

As the sun crested over the mountains this morning I was hoping the temperature would go up!  Roy and I headed to the Nordic Center to scout the bike course.  The course consist of two 10 km loops.  A short 2 km from the swim on the first lap for a total of 22 km.  this bike course is awesome, through cross country bike course with some climbs and nice swooping descent.  A few technical descent to add to the mix makes it for a great ride.  Plenty of space for passing and with a hill named EKG you know the gold old heart will be working.  The marking was great and it was easy to find the course.  I'm always amazed how well Roy descends, former down hill MTb racer, he makes it look easy.  This course definetly suites a dual suspension bike better but I will survive with hard tail.  In all this has the making of a great race, let's hope it all comes together on race.  Happy trail!

Carpe Diem

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Xterra Canada

After a10 hour drive, around and I arrived in Canmore Alberta, site of the 2012 Xterra Canada Championship, part of the world tour and Maui qualifier.Surrounded by majestic glacier and high peak, the vista is breath taking, only if I could breath easy!  Niched at 4900 feet, this sea level kid is feeling the altitude a bit.  Roy and I got changed quickly and went running one loop of the run course.  Great marking made it easy to find and the run course is awesome.  Single tracks combine with swooping trails with rocks and roots make for a fun course.  Tomorrow we will head over to the bike course.  Stay tuned for more scouting report, until then, Happy trails!

Carpe Diem

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Lance Factor

As I was running earlier I was thinking about Lance, his career and the USADA.  Now I don't give my opinion very often and like everyone out there I don't have all the facts.  Some people know more than me, some don't.  That said I still remember Lance giving the look to Ian Ulrich of Germany at the tour and taking off up hill.   At that moment I was sold and got interested in the sport of cycling.  The reality is that Lance has never tested positive,  and he is one of the most tested athlete in the world.   Has he or has not taken performance enhancing drugs, who knows.  What makes me sad is that many people tend to forget what he has done for Cancer.  His foundation has raised 500 million dollars for cancer research and has helped thousand of people, some I know very well.  It also makes me sad that people are now saying " what does the yellow band signifies now" It signifies the fight against cancer, the hope for a cure, the  reminder of lost ones.  Let's not forget all the good that Lance has done, that you like him or not, he still beat cancer and helped others.  As for the USADA, seem weird that you can go after past performance and only going after one person, looks like a witch hunt to me.

On another note, one week or so before Xterra Canada, stay tuned for the usual scouting report and race action packed in Canmore, Alberta.  Happy Trails!

Carpe Diem

Friday, August 10, 2012

Gear 2.0: Inspiration

I decided to talk about something intangible but non the less it should be in your gear bag! I thought about it while riding my mountain bike and obviously while watching the olympics.  There are no shortage of inspirational stories from the Olympic Games, just turn the tube on and you will be hard press not to feel the emotions for the athlete competing as well as the stories behind it.  I also think there are some many inspirational moments in out personal lives, from friends running crazy distances to honour their lost ones, retired guys taking a bite out of life while training and racing, the list goes on and on.  I really think that's one of the greatest assets of human lives, the ability to feel inspired. We will all have road blocks in our lives, but if we are and feel inspired to do something, the sky is the limit.  I encourage each and one of you to get inspired and to get out there to reach your goals.  They can be as small as finishing your first 5 km run, to entering a race and beat your personal best or to win an event.  Dare to dream! Happy trails!

Carpe Diem

P.S: GO Canada GO at the London Olympics!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Gear 2.0: know your gear!

It is always important to know the gear you use.  Case in point I recently changed my C02 inflator recently and when it was time to use it,mi couldn't make it work.  Moral of the story, make sure when ever you get new gear or change brand that you know how to use it, so on race day you won't have any surprises .  No races planned this month, which is unusual for me, a of  work schedule and and not being able to travel makes it hard.  Training is the name of the game right now as well I watching the Olympics!  My heart goes to Canadian triathlete Paula Findlay who despite adversity and injuries conducted herself as a class act competitor.  Next race for me is the Xterra Canadian Championship where I will attempt to have a better finish after a desapionting race last year.  Canmore is the venue and it should be interesting.  Hope you are enjoying the weather and are cheering for your country during the Olympics. Go Canada Go!  Happy trails!

Carpe Diem