Monday, October 26, 2015

Tale from the Trail, Maui style!

After arriving Saturday night in Maui, Sunday was marked with a easy run and a pool work out.It was time to built the steed in order to go out and ride a bit.  Fast forward today as Roy and I, sporting his Donate Life kit were out to see a bit of the course.  Only the lower loop at the start was open, with mix of ups and downs and some technical single track. Add a wet muddy terrain and that's what we were dealing with. The course should be dry as long as there is a few days of sun. This being so early in the week, no need to hit the panic button just yet.  We than headed over to DT Fleming beach, and for once, the waves weren't so gigantic! (Again early in the week and wave advisory for Wednesday) After practicing some ins and outs it was time to pack it for lunch.  The usual suspects are arriving tomorrow for the most part and Wednesday the course should be fully open as the Xterra Crew is working round the clock to make this 20th anniversary a success. Stay tuned for the scouting report.  Happy Trails!

Carpe Diem

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