Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Scouting report: Saipan run course

The run is always special here in Saipan.  First it is hot, no two ways about it, secondly it's challenging as you run over jagged rocks, coral and the like but lastly you get to run through a cave tha was used during WWII, anf that folks, you just don't get that anywhere.  So yesterday  Al, Daz who's a pro from England and myself decided to run the course.  Just like the bike course, I thought that the run course was well flagged.  I also remembered very quickly that there is a lot of climbing on that run.  As well, you need gloves to deal with "death valley".  Now,  we have named that section a few years back as it's very treacherous to go down.  Think dry creek bed, going down hill with drops, jagged rocks and coral.  That's also where you will encounter the cave section, which is lit by candle light on race day.  The race course was dry yesterday and probably in the best shape I have seen these past years.  Runners beware, once your out of the jungle, you're still not out of the woods as a very hot beach run will be waiting for you.

I went out today and rode the first half of the bike course with Al, it was still in very good shape ( the course that is although Al is doing great as well) So race day is almost upon us, stay tuned for the post race report, until then happy trails !

Carpe Diem

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