Sunday, February 7, 2010

An Experience of a Lifetime!

I finished my morning shift in Lillooet at the lunch celebration and was told that I would get to carry the Olympic flame! What a surprise, and an unexpected one! Some runners were unable to make it. Even better my co-worker Bal was also chosen and we would get to do the exchange, which is even more rare. I was to become runner 79 out of Ashcroft!

Jeff, another of my co-workers drove us to our collection point and was going to be our official photographer. We had our pre-run briefing and it was nice to see how happy and proud the other runners were. I was given my own torch, uniform and famous red mitts. There were 6 of us in total. As we boarded the shuttle they played the video that is posted on this site. It was very inspiring knowing that I would share the flame that left Greece back in October and has made its way through so many communities with so many great stories.

After the video was done they played the famous song from U2 "Where the Streets Have No Name". I was getting so excited!

I got dropped off at my number. It was so interesting to see people taking photographs of me with my torch. As I waited, the Coke promotional truck stopped and all their staff came to congratulate me and to take photographs. It was nice to see as we have seen them day in and day out. As my co-worker and friend Bal approached with the Olympic flame I could not stop smiling!

Bal passing me the flame

I have logged long hours and many miles running with many torchbearers (300 meter at a time to be more precise)! Only this time it was different. For a brief period of time I was going to be the only person in the world to have in his possession the Olympic flame.

My torch was lit and time stood still for me. As I started running I was now enjoying the moment, leaving my co-workers to do their job and listen to their encouragement. For that moment I was an Olympic torchbearer! People were cheering and I could not stop smiling. For me this is the closest I will ever be to being involved with the Olympics. I will cherish and remember this day for the rest of my life. I seized the day!

Running with the flame!

If you're wondering, I did purchase my torch!

Carpe Diem,


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