Sunday, June 10, 2012

Grand Rapids half Iron

As I woke at the crack of down before the race, I couldn't imagine a better setting than the Moore's kitchen, looking directly on a still river where the swim would take place as the sun was rising. Transition was a short 5 min bike ride from the house which is even better! With 1200 athletes registered in sprint, Olympic and half, the transition was quite big. I was in the second swim wave and the water was quite nice and it was a wetsuit swim! On the way back, sighting was very difficult as the sun was just at the right angle making it impossible to see. I was pleased with my swim time and it was now time to head on the TT bike. I knew this course would be fast and I was hoping for a good day on the bike. Luckily I didn't get any issue I was able to sustain a 35.9 km/hr pace for the 90 km. after a quick transition it was time to head for the half marathon. By the the sun was out in full force and temperature was close to 30 degrees. My pace was good on my first 10 km but alas I wasn't able to hang on on the second lap. I was still please to run a respectable 1:48 on the run although I was hoping for a little faster time. I clocked the half at 4:58, reaching my goal of a sub 5 hour half, bearly mind you. Al and Allison both finished their Olympic Tri as well. Another good friend nicknamed C2 also finished the sprint. What great time I has visiting and staying at the Moore's for this event. I couldn't have asked for more. I now have to rest a bit, I also have some nice blisters on my feet. The next race will take me to the heart of Alsace in France for Xterra France in July. As usual, i'll be blogging about my experience. Until then, I hope your enjoying some sporting activities and good friendships just like I did. Happy trails! Carpe Diem

1 comment:

  1. Great to see you again C1. Safe travels and good luck in France in July. We will be thinking of you!! C2
