Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Gear 2.0 : Xterra Saipan

So what kind of gear will I be using for Saipan? If you recall, this event is 1.5 km open water swim, 40 km mountain bike and 12 km trail run. Let's start with the swim. This open water swim is in warm water, which mean that wetsuit won't be allowed. The only thing I can use to help me is called a speed suit. They are design to help you swim a bit faster due to their material. Although my choice is usually blue seventy, they are out of stock so I will opted for TYR torque elite, which also happens to be legal for all open water swim where wetsuit are not allowed. I will also have my tinted blue seventy goggles. Once out of the water, I will get on the bike segment. My specialized epic carbon will be the bike for this race. I have a Dakine bike bag to transport my bikes whenever they need to fly! I'm using specialized S work mountain bike shoes, just got them and they are red and white! Helmet wise I will have my bell helmet with Canadian Maple leaf on it. I'm always proud to show where I'm from when I race out of country. I will be wearing specialized gloves and hope to finally have my Oakley jawbone sunglasses with transition lenses. I will be wearing my Sugoi tri suit, Proudly showing the brand champions colors. Lastly on the run I will be running with salmon trail runner, Sugoi visor, Sugoi socks and a hand held bottle. My fueling choices will be GU brew for my electrolyte drink mixed with hammer sustained energy in order to have some calories, hammer gel, I use a mix of raspberry and chocolate flavor. I will also use salt tablets as it will be in the mid 30's with humidity. Hope this might help if you ever look for gear ideas or decide to try an off road triathlon. Happy trails!

Carpe Diem

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